Monday, 19 March 2018

Android Dalvik and ART GC(Garbage Collection) logs Analysis

Hello Guys!!! Hope you all are doing well.!!!!!!
Today I am going to discuss GC logs analysis in android. In my previous blog we have discuss android general log analysis. But today topic is concentrated on GC log analysis.
Memory utilization in Android device(let say mobile phone device) is utterly important topic from the beginning of time. Now a day We have high end mobile phone with much memory(RAM) compare to initial day. But still Memory utilization on the mobile app has a significant impact on the customer experience.
Let assume If any app creates a lot of objects during uses, then Garbage Collection (GC) process will be triggered frequently to evict unused objects. As we know Garbage Collection is an automatic process in Android/Java to free-up unused memory, however, frequent Garbage Collection consumes a lot of CPU + it will also pause the app. Frequent pauses can junk the app (i.e. stuttering, juddering, or halting).
Whenever a GC event runs, a log line is printed in the run-time log messages. So by closely monitoring run-time logs or say collected logs file we can understand how many objects by an app is creating, how frequently Garbage collection is triggered, how much time it takes to complete, how much memory is reclaimed after every event.
GC log line format varies based on whether app runs on Dalvik VM or Android Run Time (ART).This is how a typical ART GC log line will look:-
1                                                                                                                 3

07-01 16:00:44.690: I/art(801): Explicit concurrent mark sweep GC freed 65595(3MB) 
                                     4                                                      5                                    6
AllocSpace objects, 9(4MB) LOS objects, 34% free, 38MB/58MB, paused 1.195ms total 

07-01 16:00:44.690
Timestamp at which this Garbage Collection event ran
GC Reason
Reason why Garbage Collection event was triggered.‘Explicit’ indicates that garbage collection was explicitly requested by an app, for example, by calling gc() or gc(). Please refer Below for different types of GC Reasons.
GC Name
concurrent mark sweep
ART has various different GCs which can get run. In this case, ‘Concurrent Mark Sweep’ indicates – a whole heap collector which frees collects all spaces other than the image space.  Please refer below for different types of GC Names.
Objects freed
Amount of objects garbage collected from non-large objects space. Totally 65595 unique objects, whose cumulative size of 3mb is garbage collected (i.e. freed) in this event.
Large objects freed
Amount of objects garbage collected from Large objects space. Totally 9 unique objects, whose cumulative size of 4mb is garbage collected (i.e. freed)
Heap usage
38mb of objects is alive after this particular GC event. Total allocated heap size for this application is 58mb.
GC Pause Time
During certain phases of GC event, the application is paused. In this GC event, pause time is 1.195ms. During pause time, application freezes. One should target for low pause time.
GC Total Time
Amount of time this GC event took to complete. It includes the GC Pause time as well.
GC Reason
What triggered the GC and what kind of collection it is.
A concurrent GC that does not suspend app threads. This GC runs in a background thread and does not prevent allocations.
The GC was initiated because your app attempted to allocate memory when your heap was already full. In this case, the garbage collection occurred in the allocating thread.
The garbage collection was explicitly requested by an app, for example, by calling gc() or gc(). Like Dalvik, in ART the best practice is that you trust the GC and avoid requesting explicit GCs, if possible. Explicit GCs are discouraged because they block the allocating thread and unnecessarily waste CPU cycles. Explicit GCs could also cause jank (stuttering, juddering, or halting in the app) if they cause other threads to get preempted.
The collection was caused by native memory pressure from native allocations such as Bitmaps or RenderScript allocation objects.
The collection was caused by a heap transition; this is caused by changing the GC strategy at run time (such as when the app changes between pause perceptible states). Collector transitions consist of copying all the objects from a free-list backed space to a bump pointer space (or visa versa).
This occurs only on low RAM device prior to Android 8.0 when an app changes process states from a pause perceptible state (such as when the app is in the foreground, where the user can preceive a GC pause) to a non pause perceptible state (or visa versa).
Homogeneous space compaction is free-list space to free-list space compaction which usually occurs when an app is moved to a pause imperceptible process state. The main reasons for doing this are reducing RAM usage and defragmenting the heap.
This is not a real GC reason, but a note that collection was blocked due to use of GetPrimitiveArrayCritical. while concurrent heap compaction is occurring. In general, the use of GetPrimitiveArrayCritical is strongly discouraged due to its restrictions on moving collectors.
This is not a GC reason, but a note that collection was blocked until a heap trim finished.

GC Name
ART has various different GCs which can get run.
Concurrent mark sweep (CMS)
A whole heap collector which frees collects all spaces other than the image space.
Concurrent partial mark sweep
A mostly whole heap collector which collects all spaces other than the image and zygote spaces.
Concurrent sticky mark sweep
A generational collector which can only free objects allocated since the last GC. This garbage collection is run more often than a full or partial mark sweep since it is faster and has lower pauses.
Marksweep + semispace
A non concurrent, copying GC used for heap transitions as well as homogeneous space compaction (to defragement the heap).
Now We can discuss about Dalvik GC Log anlysis. 
This is how a typical Dalvik GC log line will look like:-

Below table summarizes each field in detail:

Field Value Description
07-01 15:56:19.815
Timestamp at which this Garbage Collection event ran
GC Reason
Reason why Garbage Collection event was triggered. Please refer below for different types of GC Reasons.
Objects freed
Amount of objects garbage collected. Totally 7078kb of objects are garbage collected (i.e. freed) in this event.
Heap usage
52464K/ 89052K
52464kb of objects are alive after this particular GC event. Total allocated heap size for this app is 89052 kb.
GC Pause Time
During certain phases of GC event, application is paused. In this GC event, pause time is 18 ms (i.e. 14 + 4 ms). During pause time, application freezes. One should target for low pause time.
GC Total Time
Amount of time this GC event took to complete. It includes the GC Pause time as well.
Dalvik GC Reason
What triggered the GC and what kind of collection it is. Reasons that might appear include:
A concurrent GC that frees up memory as your heap begins to fill up.
A GC was caused because your app attempted to allocate memory when your heap was already full, so the system had to stop your app and reclaim memory.
A GC that occurs when you request to create an HPROF file to analyze your heap.
An explicit GC, such as when you call gc() (which you should avoid calling and instead trust the GC to run when needed).
This happens only on API level 10 and lower (newer versions allocate everything in the Dalvik heap). A GC for externally allocated memory (such as the pixel data stored in native memory or NIO byte buffers)

As We all feel analyzing every single GC log line is very tedious work. So this is the obvious question "is there any tool for it ?" And the answer is Yes!!!!. We have few option:
  • Use Android Studio inbuilt tool
  • Use free online tools such as – a universal Garbage collection log analyzer, to analyze Android GC logs. You can just upload the Android GC Logs to this tool. Tool parses GC log and generates report instantly. Report contains interactive graphs and insightful metrics.

So Hope this article address your Android GC log analysis understanding better. Please provide your feedback in  blog comment box.

Happy Coding!!!!

Friday, 9 March 2018

Know Android Logs Analysis

Hello Guys !!! Hope you all doing well !!!
Today I am going to discuss a very hot topic in Android Development life cycle and it is 

Logs Analysis.
As an Android developer, all of you know Logs analysis is a phase of development and we encounter it time to time.
But Log Analysis is main challenging thing for code maintainer or Support Engineer. 
Once Any Android product launched in market and customer start using it. Then real scenario bugs/issue start coming and it is main Job for Support Engineer/Project maintenance engineer to analysed the Bug/issue with provided set of logs. 
                        All we know “How It is challenging”.
So today I am going to shed some light on it. First We start with type of Log available on Android Eco-system :- 
  • Application Log 
  • System Log
  • Event Log
  • Radio Log
Android logging system consists of:
  • a kernel driver and kernel buffers for storing log messages 
  • C, C++ and Java classes for making log entries and accessing the log messages 
  • Logcat (a standalone program for viewing log messages )
  • DDMS (ability to view and filter the log messages from the host machine)
Android Log Buffer/container
  • main - the main application log 
  • events - for system event information 
  • radio - for radio and phone-related information 
  • system - a log for low-level system messages and debugging
overview of  Android logging System (image by Tetsuyuki Kobabayshi, of Kyoto Microcomputer Co.)

What Log message contains:-
Each message in the log consists of 
  • A tag indicating the part of the system or application that the message came from
  • A timestamp (at what time this message came)
  • The message log level (or priority of the event represented by the message) and 
  • The log message itself(detail description of error or exception or information etc)
What Each Log Type Contains:-
1. Application log
  • use android.util.Log class methods  to write messages of different priority into the log
  • Java classes declare their tag statically as a string, which they pass to the log method
  • The log method used indicates the message "severity" (or log level)
  • Messages can be filtered by tag or priority when the logs are processed by retrieval tools (logcat)
2. System log 
  • Use the android.util.Slog class to write message with different priority with its associated messages
  • Many Android framework classes utilize the system log to keep their messages separate from (possibly noisy) application log messages
  • A formatted message is delivered through the C/C++ library down to the kernel driver, which stores the message in the appropriate buffer(system buffer)
3. Event log
  • Event logs messages are created using android.util.EventLog class, which create binary-formatted log messages. 
  • Log entries consist of binary tag codes, followed by binary parameters. 
  • The message tag codes are stored on the system at: /system/etc/event-log-tags
  • Each message has the string for the log message, as well as codes indicating the values associated with (stored with) that entry.
4. Radio log
  • Used for radio and phone(modem) related information
  • Log entries consist of binary tags code and message for Network info
  • Logging system automatically routes messages with specific tags into the radio buffer
Log format on Android
below is common log format in android
tv_sec   tv_nsec     priority     pid    tid     tag     messageLen       Message
tag: log tag
tv_sec & tv_nsec: the timestamp of the log messages
pid: the process id of where log messages come from
tid: the thread id
Priority value is one of the following character values, ordered from lowest to highest priority:
V — Verbose (lowest priority)*
D — Debug*
I — Info*
W — Warning*
E — Error*
F — Fatal*
S — Silent (highest priority, on which nothing is ever printed)

Log-File locations
There are several directories where logs (including those from crashes) stores and it are not standardized(i.e. some may be ROM-specific). I am putting some of common here.
  • /data/anr : Dalvik writes stack traces here on ANR, i.e. "Application Not Responding" aka "Force-Close"
  • /data/dontpanic : contains some crash logs including traces
  • /data/kernelpanics :- Stores "kernel panic" related logs
  • /data/tombstones :- may hold several tombstone_nn files (nn is a number from 0 to 10 and after 10 again repeat it)
'Log' command line tool
To capture Logs from the android devices/emulator Below is the some command line tool. In real life project there are log capture application/tool used to capture the logs on user device and shared it back to Developer/maintainer for analysis .
  • adb logcat (shows all type logs for current android system
  • adb logcat -v threadtime (it will include date and time) 
  • adb logcat -v threadtime > logfile.txt (Store logs in logfile.txt) 
Useful filter patterns
You can use below filter in your adb command to filter logs. You can also use this filter to search your logs file(logs provided by user device). 
  • adb logcat -f <output_file>  Save all logs into a file 
  • adb logcat "*:E"  Get all errors and fatals
  • adb logcat | grep -i "foo.example." #get all logs related to “foo.example.*” tagname
  • adb logcat "application_or_tag_name:*" "*:S"  Get all logs by application name 
  • adb logcat -b events "gsm_service_state_change" "*:S"  Get all GSM state changes 
  • adb logcat -b radio Get all Radio events 
Log Analysis 
Till now we get all the fundamental exposure of Android Logging System. Now the time to analyse the logs coming from your application or end user. Here we can divide log analysis in two part
  1. Debug Log :- logs file coming during development and testing phase
  2. Production Log:- Logs file coming directly from end user. 
So guess which one  is difficult Production one Right?  So what is the best approach to debug and get the desire info from the captured logs.  As I discuss above, We can do it  by using 
So in the last Android log analysis is a continuous learning and utilizing your experience process. Personally I analysed logs via relevant filter and tool with my past experience. 
But one thing is good Every android analysis (end user issue/bug log) gives you a new learning and experience. So keep it doing and enjoy your life as a coder and maintainer of android system๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ˜Ž

Please put your comments in comment box. It will energize me a lot. 
Happy Coding!!!!

Build a Custom Kernel Module for Android

Hi Guys!!!Hope you are doing well !!!. Today I will describe how you can write a custom kernel module(Hello world) for Android and load it a...