Hi Guys !!! Hope all is well
I am going to show Android JNI example 1 using Android Studio.
In my previous blog on JNI and NDK, I have written below thread.
In this example, We can discuss below topic.
- Received String from Native layer to Upper layer (App)
- Send String from Application to native layer
- Received String Array from Native to Upper layer
The example code is on my github page
In this example, I am using Android Studio (version 4.x) to write both java and native code. Unlike my previous example where I use NDK tool to generate shared library(.so) file and then use that file inside Android application.
Thanks to latest version of Android Studio(AS) to incorporate CMake, so that we can develop java native application seamlessly.
Note :- 1. For Framework developer(Android System programing) , they can leverage this A.S. feature to develop and test before pushing there native app in Android BSP.
2. App package detail (java and cpp file), gradle build details and other AS stuff directly download full source code from my github page and import it in AS.
You can see code snippet for above example on my github page. So i am not doing it here copy paste.
Happy Coding !!!