Tuesday 14 February 2017

Some Famous and Useful Linux (Ubuntu) Command

Hello Guys !!! Hope you all doing well.Today I am going to put Some most famous and useful Linux command(Ubuntu & RedHead) . I am putting it categories wise.


uname -a # Display Linux system information
uname -r # Display kernel release information
cat /etc/redhat-release # Show which version of redhat installed
uptime # Show how long the system has been running + load
hostname # Show system host name
Hostname -I # Display the IP adress of the host
last reboot # show system reboot history
date # Show the current date and time
cal # Show this month's calendar
w # Display who is online
whoami # Who you are logged in as


dmesg # Display messages in kernel ring buffer
cat /proc/cpuinfo # Display CPU information
cat /proc/meminfo # Display memory information
free -h # Display free and used memory ( -h for human readable, -m for MB, -g for GB.)
lspci -tv # Display PCI devices
lsusb -tv # Display USB devices
dmidecode # Display DMI/SMBIOS (hardware info) from the BIOS
hdparm -i /dev/sda # Show info about disk sda
hdparm -tT /dev/sda # Perform a read speed test on disk sda
badblocks -s /dev/sda # Test for unreadable blocks on disk sda


top # Display and manage the top processes
htop # Interactive process viewer (top alternative)
mpstat l # Display processor related statistics
vmstat 1 # Display virtual memory statistics
iostat 1 # Display I/O statistics
tail 100 /var/log/messages # Display the last 100 syslog messages (Use /var/log/syslog for Debian based systems.)
tcpdump -i eth0 # Capture and display all packets on interface eth0
tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80' # Monitor all traffic on port 80 ( HTTP )
lsof # List all open files on the system
lsof -u user # List files opened by user
watch df -h # Execute "df -h", showing periodic updates


id # Display the user and group ids of your current user.
last # Display the last users who have logged onto the system.
who # Show who is logged into the system.
w # Show who is logged in and what they are doing.
groupadd test # Create a group named "test".
useradd -c "John Smith" -m john # Create an account named john, with a comment of "John Smith" and create the user's home directory.
userdel john # Delete the john account.
usermod -aG sales john # Add the john account to the sales group


ls -la # List all files in a long listing (detailed) format
pwd # Display the present working directory
mkdir directory # Create a directory
rm file # Remove (delete) file
rm -r directory # Remove the directory and its contents recursively
rm -f file # Force removal of file without prompting for confirmation
rm -rf directory # Forcefully remove directory recursively
cp file1 file2 # Copy file1 to file2
cp -r source_directory destination # Copy source_directory recursively to destination. If destination exists, copy source_directory into destination, otherwise create destination with the contents of source_directory.
mv file1 file2 # Rename or move file1 to file2. If file2 is an existing directory, move file1 into directory file2
ln -s /path/to/file linkname # Create symbolic link to linkname
touch file # Create an empty file or update the access and modification times of file.
cat file # View the contents of file
less file # Browse through a text file
head file # Display the first 10 lines of file
tail file # Display the last 10 lines of file
tail -f file # Display the last 10 lines of file and "follow" the file as it grows.


ps # Display your currently running processes
ps-ef # Display all the currently running processes on the system.
ps-ef|grep processname # Display process information for processname
top # Display and manage the top processes
htop # Interactive process viewer (top alternative)
Kill pid # Kill process with process ID of pid
Kill all processname # Kill all processes named processname
program & # Start program in the background
bg # Display stopped or background jobs
fg # Brings the most recent background job to foreground
Fg n # Brings job n to the foreground


ifconfig -a # Display all network interfaces and ip address
ifconfig eth0 # Display eth0 address and details
ethtool eth0 # Query or control network driver and hardware settings
ping host # Send ICMP echo request to host
whois domain # Display whois information for domain
dig domain # Display DNS information for domain
dig -x IP_ADDRESS # Reverse lookup of I P_ADDRESS
host domain # Display DNS ip address for domain
hostname -i # Display the network address of the host name.
hostname -I # Display all local ip addresses
wget http://domain.com/file # Download h ttp://domain.com/file
netstat -nutlp # Display listening tcp and udp ports and corresponding programs


tar cf archive.tar directory # Create tar named archive.tar containing directory
tar xf archive.tar # Extract the contents from archive.tar .
tar czf archive.tar.gz directory # Create a gzip compress
tar xzf archive.tar.gz # Extract a gzip compressed tar file.
tar cjf archive.tar.bz2 directory # Create a tar file with bzip2 compression
tar xjf archive.tar.bz2 # Extract a bzip2 compressed tar file.


yum search keyword # Search for a package by keyword
yum install package # Install package .
yum info package # Display description and summary information about package
rpm -i package.rpm # Install package from local file named package.rpm
yum remove package # Remove/uninstall p ackage .
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
# Use this command to update and upgrade your Ubuntu system weekly.it will applied all the latest patch given by Ubuntu system

sudo apt-get autoclean
sudo apt-get autoremove
# clean and remove all unused file from your system

sudo apt-get install <package-name>

# install software in your ubuntu system

sudo apt-get remove <package-name>

# Uninstall a package from system

sudo apt-get add-apt-repository ppa : <repo-name>

# Install a third party package/software.


grep pattern file # Search for pattern in file
grep -r pattern directory # Search recursively for pattern in directory
locate name # Find files and directories by name
find /home/john -name 'prefix*' # Find files in / home/john that start with "prefix".
find /home -size +100M # Find files larger than 100MB in /home


ssh host # Connect to host as your local username.
ssh user@host # Connect to host as user
ssh -p port user@host # Connect to host using Port


df -h # Show free and used space on mounted filesystems
df -i # Show free and used inodes on mounted filesystems
fdisk -l # Display disks partitions sizes and types
du -ah # Display disk usage for all files and directories in human readable format
du -sh # Display total disk usage off the current directory


cd .. # To go up one level of the directory tree. (Change into
the parent directory.)
Cd # Go to the $HOME directory
cd /etc # Change to the /etc directory

Happy Coding !!!!



Note:- Please proved your comment and suggestion for my post. It will energize me


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